maker martin year 1940 No. 75596

戦前に91本のみ製造された幻の名器 D45、現存数は70本余り?といわれている。
このオリジナルD45を ギターショーにてショーケースに入った#75596を20数年ほど前に一生手にすることもないだろうと考えながら、数枚写真を撮影したものであった、20年後にまたお目にかかり手元に置けるとは想像もしていなかったけれど神様からのめぐりあわせでお嫁に来てくれた。
ニックネームは 諸事情あり 「Asano Yoshinaga」 とさせていただいている。


音色は というと言葉では語れないものであるが、1969年のD45に比較し部屋の空気の振動がより大きく感じる、部屋の空気がぜーんぶ揺れ動く感じと表現すべきかな。


74161 1940 [E] Previously owned by the well known Martin historian Mike Longworth and was on display in the Martin museum from 1974 to 1995 according to this ar prior to being consigned to auction at Christie's in April 1995 (the guitar failed to sell at that time). A 1981 photograph of this guitar in the Martin museum is available here.[32]
74162 1940    
74163 1940    
74164 1940    
74165 1940 [E] Presently owned by Marty Stuart, previously by Johnny Cash and Hank Williams, Jr., see here;[33] also additional information below, in "Miscellaneous" section.
74166 1940 [E]  
75100 1940 [E]  
75101 1940 [E]  
75102 1940 [E]  
75103 1940    
75104 1940 [E] Known to exist, repaired by Martin during the period 1966-2001 according to this blog post;[24] currently in Japan in the collection of the well known popular singer Fukuyama Masaharu.[33]
75105 1940 [E] Known to exist, cited in a post by John Arnold in this web page,[16] seen at Gruhn Guitars. Refinished.
75289 1940 [E] D-45L (Left hand). In the same family since the 1940's, in the United States.[36] Original finish.
75593 1940    
75594 1940 [E] In the collection of Mac Yasuda, illustrated on the front cover of the "Martin Guitar Book", see reference below
75595 1940 [E] Nicknamed "Old Red", formerly owned by Grant Boatright, see here.[37] This guitar is presently in the collection of Jonathan Kellerman, [3] and is included (among other guitars from his collection) in an article in "Vintage Guitar", October 2005.[38]
75596 1940 [E] Illustrated on a Japanese website here,[39] also on pp. 27–28 of the (Japanese) "MartinVintage Guitar Guide",[21] pages also reproduced here;[16] currently in the collection of Nakakita Hideki, where it has been nicknamed Asano Yoshinaga after a 16th Century Japanese samurai warrior.[33]
75597 1940    


以下 トップ板のウェザーチェックも風格を感じさせるもの、私はこれが大好き。

以下 最高のアディロンダックスプルースで作られたトップ板と真珠母貝のインレイ。



>>>D45 4本比較